In our village there’s a path where we have a birch tree which I like very much.
I’m not sure why WordPress makes this picture with a yellow cast as either the original print and the scan do not look like this, but who will understand WordPress? 😀
The analogue print…
…has this advantage versus absolutely any digital picture or print scan, that is has its weight, surface feeling and the obvious perception of the quality. This picture is a good example of all those things.
I have printed it on Ilford Warmtone paper using a Kodak Dektol. In fact Dektol has this special thing in it that almost no developers can reproduce. Personally, I’m using D-72 which I make myself. This is almost the same developer as Dektol (if not the same, but sold without marketing name – ‘DEKTOL’!).
It is getting harder and harder to hold of hydroquinone even if you’re a professional photographer as almost all chemical companies are so cautions these days, and they don’t want to deliver chemicals to the residential addresses, even if you’re running a business at home – online etc. it doesn’t matter. Ohhh….
btw. If you know where I can purchase Hydroquinone, please do let me know on [email protected].
A birch tree is …
… a good example of a good printing practice. By this I mean to not go with a high contrast print, and just stick with the 3 – 3.5 grade and adjust the exposure and development times.
I believe this print is a straight print. I’m saying that as I remember almost all prints I made, and how I printed them. For this purpose I don’t use any notes, not mention about any test prints that I keep with references like i.e. Pablo Iniro used to do.
You can purchase this picture in a format up to 20×24. Please contact me on my email: [email protected].
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